Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, we have officially finished half the school year. The students has learned and grown so much. We still have a lot to learn to get them ready for 1st grade. Please read with your child every night. They should be bringing a home a Ziploc bag with a book they read with me in small group guided reading Monday through Thursday. Please have them point and read with you and sign the reading log. After reading, ask your child to tell you what happened in the story in the order the events happened. This helps with comprehension. Have them read the book 2 or 3 times. It helps them to develop fluency when they're reading. Everyone should come home with a book every night. Please remember to send the book in the bag with the reading log back to school each day. The books come from our literacy library that we share with the whole school. I will not send your child home with a new book until they have returned the one they already have. Also our library day is Friday, please send all library books to school with the children on Friday morning. If your child has overdue books at home, please send them to school as soon as possible and we will return them the same day.

Our Valentine party will be Friday Feb. 12th. I will be sending home information and a class list this week. If your child brings Valentines, please send a Valentine for each student in the class. We don't want any one's feelings to get hurt.

Walk for Diabetes will be happening in PE Feb 8th-12th. More information will be coming home about that as well. Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday, please have your child wear a red shirt on those days in honor of our walk.

I had taken a ton of pictures of our Polar Express day and Winter party. Once I got my camera home after the break, my 3 year old got it and deleted all the pictures. I have a very tech savvy friend who has recovered pictures for me before who has had my camera. Unfortunately he was unable to recover the pictures. My sincerest apology. That is one of the reasons I haven't updated in so long.

Remember I'm always available to meet with you about any questions or concerns you may have. Please do hesitate to set up a conference or give me a call. I also promise to start posting regularly again now that I have my camera back. We have two big days this week Tuesday is Groundhog day and starts our project groundhog. Wednesday is the 100th day of school. Check back later in the week for updates!

January Work

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